Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lagi salah laku SPRM???

Gambar beliau ketika diserbu oleh pegawai SPRM dipejabatnya dan gambar potret mengenang kematian beliau - Ihsan Malaysiakini

Aku masih lagi dalam perasaan terkejut, kesal dan sedih berkenaan kematian Teo Beng Hock, 30- setiausaha politik kepada seorang Exco DAP Kerajaan Selangor. Ini memberikan tamparan hebat kepada situasi politik negara masa ini dan yang pentingnya agensi kerajaan yg baru dinaiktarafkan kepada Suruhanjaya dan mempunyai kuasa penuh membuat siasatan dan mendakwa pihak yang terlibat. Bagaimana nyawa seorang manusia boleh terkorban dibawah tanggungjawab mereka.

Aku masih lagi percaya, ada sesuatu yg tidak kena pada kes ini. Mustahil beliau yg kelihatan baik pada ketika sebelum ditangkap untuk membantu siasatan SPRM dan dijangka akan berkahwin pada minggu ini sanggup membunuh diri? bukan ditempat lain tetapi jatuh dari bangunan SPRM pulak tu? Mustahil tiada kakitangan yg ada dan menyedari kejadian ketika itu atau rekod keluar masuk sedangkan beliau merupakan saksi dan masih berada didalam pejabat SPRM bagi membantu siasatan. Bukankah pejabat SPRM merupakan kawasan larangan dan mempunyai keselamatan yg tinggi? Mana mungkin dibiarkan orang luar berlegar2 dan tidur disofa dalam pejabat SPRM sedangkan Exco lain atau peguam memohon masuk menemani beliau pun tidak dibenarkan. Masuk akalkah semua ini?

Terdapat beberapa siri kes yg menjadi tandatanya tentang betapa besarnya kuasa pihak SPRM ini sehinggakan dilihat menguasai dan melangkaui kuasa yg sering digunakan oleh pihak Polis.

Lihat artikel dibawah dan di bawah lagi yg dikatakan dilakukan oleh SPRM dan telah diadukan kepada pihak polis untuk diambil tindakan. Malangnya, belum ada tindakan yg jelas terhadap dakwaan tersebut oleh pihak polis. Mungkinkah pihak polis tidak mampu utk menyiasat dan mengambil tindakan terhadap pihak yg lebih tinggi kuasanya pada mereka. Memang benar, SPRM merupakan kuasa yg paling tinggi mengatasi pihak polis pada masa ini. Tetapi, itu tidak bermakna mereka boleh bertindak sewenang2nya terhadap orang ramai yg disyaki terlibat atau melakukan jenayah berunsur rasuah. Bukankah mereka perlu bertindak didalam batasan dan mematuhi peraturan yg telah ditetapkan oleh undang2 seperti juga pihak polis. Adakah pihak yg disiasat tidak boleh mendapatkan khidmat peguam dan berhak terhadap sebarang kenyataan yg diberikan?

Pengakuan Mangsa di Pukul SPRM Semasa Siasatan Kes BOS nya.
‘Siasat bos, saya dipukul’
Oleh Rudy Fazrunisyam

JOHOR BAHRU: Matanya ditutup dengan tali leher sebelum ditumbuk, disepak dan dibogelkan. Itulah keadaan terpaksa dilalui seorang pembantu tadbir sebuah pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) negeri ini, di dalam sebuah bilik gelap di pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) di sini, kelmarin.

Mangsa tidak menyangka kehadiran dua pegawai SPRM yang menjemputnya di tempat kerja pada 7 Julai lalu untuk ke pejabat mereka bagi dirakam keterangan sebagai membantu siasatan satu kes rasuah membabitkan pegawai tertinggi PBT terbabit berakhir dengan penderaan.Selain penderaan fizikal, mangsa yang berusia 29 tahun itu turut mendakwa sekumpulan tiga lelaki berada di dalam bilik soal siasat mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat berbaur penghinaan seperti bodoh dan sial apabila tidak berpuas hati dengan jawapan diberikannya.Malah, detik yang amat perit dan meninggalkan kesan trauma dalam hidup lelaki berkenaan tidak berlaku sekadar dua atau tiga jam, tetapi terpaksa melaluinya lebih 12 jam.

Semuanya bermula apabila lelaki yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Zul itu dikunjungi dua pegawai SPRM Johor di pejabatnya di sebuah PBT di Simpang Renggam dekat sini, kira-kira 8.30 pagi 7 Julai lalu, yang mengkehendaki dia dan seorang lagi kakitangan memberi keterangan berhubung kes rasuah di pejabat agensi itu di sini. Katanya, sebaik tiba di pejabat SPRM, dia diarahkan menanggalkan jam tangan, cincin dan menyerahkan semua barangan di dalam kocek seluarnya sebelum dibawa seorang pegawai memasuki sebuah bilik gelap.“Seterusnya mata saya ditutup dengan tali leher dan diarahkan duduk ke atas kerusi sebelum tiga lelaki yang mula menyoal dengan nada serius.“Mereka juga menyuruh saya mendedahkan berapa jumlah wang yang diterima seorang pegawai tertinggi tempat saya bekerja daripada beberapa orang kontraktor bagi menjayakan satu aktiviti lawatan sambil belajar ke Bandung, Indonesia pada 23 hingga 26 April lalu,” katanya ketika ditemui, di sini, semalam.

Menurut Zul, dia menerima pukulan sulung di kepala dipercayai menggunakan satu objek keras oleh seorang pegawai yang membuat soal siasat itu apabila dia memberikan jawapan tidak tahu menahu dan tidak menerima wang yang dimaksudkan itu. Zul berkata, oleh kerana tidak berdaya untuk mempertahankan dirinya, dia terpaksa merayu kepada pegawai terbabit sambil bertanya kenapa dia diperlakukan sedemikian, tetapi rayuannya disambut dengan kata-kata kesat dan maki hamun pegawai terbabit.“Saya kemudiannya diarahkan ke bilik seorang lagi pegawai di mana di situ, saya diberitahu bahawa saya adalah saksi kepada kes yang sedang disiasat SPRM itu.“Malah pegawai berkenaan turut mengingatkan saya supaya tidak membongkarkan apa yang berlaku di dalam bilik gelap itu jika tidak mahu memalukan diri sendiri.“Ketika itu jam 9 pagi dan saya melalui proses merakam keterangan sehingga jam 11 pagi sebelum dihantar semula ke pejabat oleh pegawai SPRM,” katanya.

Zul berkata, ketika di pejabat dia menemui rakannya yang turut dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan itu dan dimaklumkan dia tidak mengalami situasi penderaan di dalam bilik gelap itu.“Oleh kerana berasakan diri saya diperlakukan dengan cara kejam oleh pegawai SPRM yang menyalahgunakan kuasa, saya membuat pemeriksaan kesihatan di Hospital Kluang tidak lama kemudian sebelum membuat laporan polis,” katanya. Katanya, oleh kerana kesal dengan insiden yang dilaluinya itu, keluarganya sudah melantik seorang peguam untuk membawa perkara yang memalukan serta melampaui batas itu ke peringkat mahkamah.

Sementara itu, Pengarah SPRM Johor, Simi Abdul Ghani yang dimaklumkan berhubung insiden yang menimpa Zul itu berkata pihaknya menyerahkan kepada polis untuk melakukan siasatan selanjutnya.Katanya, pengadu mempunyai hak untuk membuat laporan polis berhubung dakwaan itu dan siasatan sewajarnya dilakukan jika terbukti dakwaan itu adalah benar dan telus.“Pengadu berkenaan sudah membuat laporan polis, jadi kami serahkan kepada pihak berkuasa berkenaan untuk menjalankan siasatannya dan jika terbukti dakwaan itu benar, biar pegawai yang terbabit dikenakan tindakan undang-undang sewajarnya,” katanya.



A sad day for Malaysians

This has been going on for far too long. The MACC acts like God. They kidnap families and torture those they arrest. They threaten those they interrogate with death if they refuse to talk.
by Raja Petra Kamarudin

The writing was already on the wall very much earlier. Alarm bells were wailing like banshees. But this was largely ignored. It was ignored because it was Malaysia Today that had triggered the alarm bells. Malaysia Today is not the most reliable source. It does not offer the best of information. What Malaysia Today dabbles in are rumours and innuendoes.

When the Anti-Corruption Agency, now called the MACC, kidnapped the family of a police inspector, Malaysia Today raised the alarm. They had kidnapped the wife and child of a police inspector who had investigated a Chinese underworld boss on the instructions of a higher-up with the rank of ASP.

The inspector was just doing what his boss had ordered him to do, and that was to open a file and launch an investigation into the activities of the Chinese prostitution, loan shark, drugs and gambling syndicate. And this resulted in the detention of three syndicate bosses.

What the MACC wanted the police inspector to do was quite simple. They wanted him to change his report so that the three underworld bosses can be freed from detention. And he would have to do that if he wants to secure the release of his family.
The police inspector refused to do that. Instead, he made a police report. And so did his wife. But nothing was done about the matter.
The MACC officers were not arrested and dragged to court on kidnapping charges.

The MACC then leaked information to the media that they are investigating a very senior police officer, the Director of the CCD, for the crime of not declaring RM27 million worth of assets. The fact that MACC investigations come under the Official Secrets Act was not a hindrance. After all, the OSA is only used against opposition supporters and not against those who serve those who walk in the corridors of power.

Nevertheless, the Director of the CCD was finally not charged for not declaring RM27 million in assets. He was charged for using police property for his personal reasons, something that all government officers, ministers and politicians do blatantly every day of the week. But his real crime is that he detained several Chinese underworld bosses who control the prostitution, loan shark, drugs and gambling business all over Malaysia.

Then they arrested the lawyer who acted for the CCD Director. The MACC officers came to his office on the eve of Hari Raya and handcuffed him after roughing him up like one would do to an armed bank robber. To ensure that the lawyer suffered the greatest embarrassment this Hollywood-style arrest was done in full view of the entire office.

Malaysia Today wrote about all this. Malaysia Today not only wrote about all this but Malaysia Today repeated the stories again and again to make sure no one would say they somehow missed the story. But still nothing was done. No one denied the story. More importantly, no one did anything about what Malaysia Today revealed.

The MACC has been a tool of those who walk in the corridors of power for a long, long time. Officially, Barisan Nasional has 14 component members with Umno as the lead partner. Unofficially, Barisan Nasional has seventeen component members. The Election Commission is the fifteenth component member of Barisan Nasional, the Malaysian police the sixteenth, and the MACC the seventeenth. They all serve the interests of Umno and the Prime Minister.

The writing was already on the wall very much earlier. Alarm bells were wailing like banshees. But this was largely ignored. It was ignored because it was Malaysia Today that had triggered the alarm bells. Malaysia Today is not the most reliable source. It does not offer the best of information. What Malaysia Today dabbles in are rumours and innuendoes.

“Where is the smoking gun?” they ask. “Show me the body!” they demand. No gun, no body, then no crime has been committed.

Well, today, there is a body. It is the body of a most unfortunate Chinese opposition member who was arrested and tortured by the MACC officers. Yes, he was tortured. And he was tortured because the MACC wanted him to talk.

But he could not talk. He could not talk because there was nothing to talk about. The MACC wanted him to finger his comrades in the opposition. They wanted him to implicate his friends in the opposition for various crimes that the MACC alleges had been committed by those in the opposition.

He tried to explain that he is not being stubborn. He tried to explain that no crime had been committed. He tried to explain that he could not possibly implicate his comrades in the opposition for various crimes if these crimes are merely a figment of the MACC’s imagination.
So they continued to torture him. And he could no longer stand the torture. After all, he is not the macho type of man. He is but a gentle man who only wanted to get married this weekend. That was all that he wanted.

They threatened to kill him if he refuses to talk. With tears running down his cheeks he begged for mercy and pleaded with them not to harm him. They threatened to throw him off the top floor if he refuses to talk. Sobbing like a baby he went down on his knees and begged for his life.
They dragged him across the room and opened the window. Then something went terribly wrong. It was supposed to be just a threat. They just wanted to put fear in him. They did not really want to throw him off the top floor. They just wanted him to see what the ground floor looks like from the top floor.

The unfortunate young man panicked. He went ballistic when he saw the distance he would have to travel before hitting the ground floor. He struggled. They could not hold onto him. Gravity took over and the life of this young man was prematurely snuffed out.

The MACC then announced that they had released him the night before. They failed to announce that they had not released him from custody but released him from this world. Then they suddenly found his body the day after. He jumped. He committed suicide. He took his own life. He was never tortured. He was not dragged to the window with the threat that they would teach him how to fly.

This has been going on for far too long. The MACC acts like God. They kidnap families and torture those they arrest. They threaten those they interrogate with death if they refuse to talk.
And now one young man has really died. But no one will be punished. No one will be punished because they will say the young man took his own life. Why he took his own life no one knows. He was never tortured. He was never threatened with death. He was not made to look how far down the ground floor is. He was not accidentally dropped when he panicked and struggled and they could not get a good grip on him.

That is what they will be telling you and me later today.

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